Teacher Training in Israel, June 2020

In June 2020, there will be a Teacher Training in Israel led by  Li Jing.

The seven-day teacher training will be held from June 21st until June 27th, at the ' Marine Center’ in Caesarea.

Invitation letter and application form:
You can download the Invitation letter  to TT Israel 2020- Here .

The application form in Word formatAPPLICATION and REGISTRATION FORM-TT Israel 2020 can be downloaded here (or in PDF format-  APPLICATION and REGISTRATION FORM Israel 2020- here).

The application form should be submitted on or before January 18, 2020 to secure a place.
Once the application is accepted, the payment should be done by :
*Early Bird Fee:  February 1st, 2020
Regular Fee:     March 1st, 2020

Please Email the application form and letters, or any questions you have, to
Dina Shafrir:

פורסם ב- הכשרת מורים, חדשות

סגור לתגובות.